Monday, January 25, 2016

My Sandwich Chronicle

I bought a grilled sandwich maker recently, and my trips to the kitchen have been twice as fun ever since. Just so I don't forget, this is the list of the sandwiches that I have made with it thus far (hopefully I update it over time.)

Do suggest your sandwich recipes that I can try out

1. Tomato - onion - capsicum grilled cheese (ft. ketchup, chili flakes, oregano)

2. Tomato - onion - capsicum grilled (avoided cheese, because breakfast)

3. Spaghetti Arrabbiata - onion grilled sandwich (essentially under the grilled cheese s/w umbrella, given that I sprayed the cheese into the pasta first. Note: I <3 arrabbiata="" p="" salsa="">
Spaghetti Arrabbiata in a s/w
4. Capsicum - onion - carrots grilled cheese (ft. ketchup, green chili sauce)

5. Tomato - onion - capsicum - red bell pepper - corn grilled cheese (ft. ketchup, green chili sauce)

Left: Tomato - onion - capsicum - red bell pepper - corn
Pineapple - black raisins - corn grilled cheese
6. Pineapple - black raisins - corn grilled cheese (this is currently my favourite, because a heavy risk paid off)